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About me

I grew up singing and dancing, and because of this, yoga naturally came to play a part in my life. I’ve always loved to move, stretch and build strength in my body for shows and performances. I also sing professionally alongside teaching yoga.


After being drawn to dynamic styles of practice, I took my first 200-hour Vinyasa Flow training with Yoga London in 2019. During my teacher training, I developed a passion for The Rocket while studying with my mentor Helen Russell-Clark. I then completed my Level 1 Rocket teacher training with Baba Rocket in 2020.


My love of Yin yoga grew out of my personal experience of dealing with injuries, tightness, and hypermobility in my body. Through Yin, I learnt how to appreciate a more restorative style of yoga and found a way to work into areas of tightness without forcing or overstretching my body. I recently achieved foundation level Yin training with Yoga London and completed a 40-hour training with Norman Blair in 2021.


I have heartfelt gratitude for all my teachers and mentors who continue to challenge and inspire me every day.


Come and join me on the mat!

Bex Stirling

With gratitude

I wouldn’t be where I am today without many amazing people who supported and guided me along the way:

@alicemayyoga who inspired my love of yoga and gave me the courage to apply for a teacher training course.

@katecullumyoga who has given up so much of her time and energy to support me, boost my confidence and become a great friend in the process.

@helenrussellclark my unofficial ‘mentor’ who showed me The Rocket, an overwhelming amount of patience and kindness and who continues to challenge and inspire me every day.

@sandrapaternostro for being the most incredible course leader and bringing me so, so much joy.

@yoga_london for the awesome course, teachers and training.

@davidckyle for starting me on my Rocket teacher training journey. I'm excited to keep learning more!


@yogawithnorman for showing me the importance of inclusivity, integrity and inspiring my love for Yin. Your passion for supporting the yoga community is also hugely inspirational to me.


Christian DiGiorgio who introduced me to Iyengar, helps strengthen my yoga anatomy knowledge and practice. Notably, he has also saved my hamstrings/hips/spine/knees/(insert body part) in the process.


I am forever grateful for your kindness and wisdom. My life and journey would not be the same without you all.

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